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Development Team Need a Boost? Partner Up!

Development Team Need a Boost? Partner Up!

It’s no secret that one of the biggest hurdles we face as executives and developers is the hiring process. It’s hard enough to onboard skilled developers, and harder still when new hires don’t meet our expectations. It’s costly, frustrating, and bad for morale but, perhaps worst of all, it’s an all-too-common situation.

What if there was a different way?

What some software development managers don’t know is that a simple, proven solution is available when it comes to giving your in-house developers a boost: Partner with an expert team!

Why work with a partner?

I’ve learned a lot in my 20 years as a developer. I’ve found that, when it comes to development, the adage is true: A rising tide raises all ships. When you bring on an expert team to train your in-house developers, the benefits they bring far outweigh the upfront costs. Some of these benefits include:

  • No drawn-out recruitment process or risk of bad hires — It can take up to six months — or longer — to screen, hire, and acclimate new employees, which can delay your software projects. By partnering with an expert team, you get that time back while working with developers you can trust.

  • Best practices and up-to-date training — In the course of training your in-house developers, an expert team applies the latest industry know-how and best practices, building or re-establishing a foundation for your team’s future success.

  • Streamlined implementation — The rise of complex web applications has made many apps grow from simple programs into complex, unwieldy beasts, making even the smallest changes slow and difficult to implement. An expert team can help streamline app maintenance and speed up your projects using proven methods.

  • Developers and software work better, longer — Experts guarantee software longevity and improve team synergy. Likewise, your developers will gain proficiency in their own software, ensuring a confident and competent in-house team.

On the other hand, what could happen to your projects without the help of an expert team? The drawbacks of a business-as-usual approach to development can be more numerous and obstructive than you may think.

  • Underprepared developers — You’ve likely heard about, or even experienced, a project going off the rails because developers’ skill levels were too disparate or low to make the process go smoothly. Expert teams can make sure everyone’s on the same page.

  • Resources stretched thin — Without expert guidance on how to make the most of their time and energy, in-house teams can become overworked, often at the cost of project success.

  • Feature creep — Projects sometimes stall because developers bite off more than they can chew as a team. Sometimes, the most important role in a development team is one whose duty it is to check on your in-house team’s ambitions, especially with regard to app features.

  • Outdated tech and increased risks — Old technology is everywhere and, although it still gets the job done in some cases, many developers hesitate to upgrade their apps. The longer they wait to upgrade, the greater the odds are that tech can become exposed to threats.

Guiding the right team 

It’s clear that guidance from an expert team could give your in-house developers a boost, but a few more crucial considerations exist for finding and hiring those experts. Here are just a few things to look for when searching for the right team to work with:

  • Rapport — Even when you’ve hired the best developers, one of the biggest roadblocks to success is that they haven’t worked together yet. The experts you partner with should know one another and work together well.

  • Expertise — Identify the established and emerging tech areas your in-house team needs to focus on, and make sure your development partners are fluent those areas. Consult with your partners about their training in today’s most popular frameworks like Angular and JavaScript.

  • Industry and location — Find partners who specialize in development and training for your company and work in your area. It’s important that you choose a team that’s well-versed in your industry and region. Why is location important? They’ll never be far if you need urgent assistance.

A simple solution to finding great developers does indeed exist! By partnering with an expert web app development team, you can sidestep the pitfalls of underprepared developers and accomplish your goals faster than ever. Your team, projects, and company stand to gain so much from expert guidance and, in the end, your clients will thank you, too.

Author: Jesse Sanders, CEO & Enterprise Principal

If you’re ready to see how an experienced team can streamline your web app development and implementation, contact us here.

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